my dream job
It is very difficult to know which would be my favorite job , because inside my aquatic being hahaha I would like to be a diving instructor (I have never studied for that) , but I would enjoy it very much . Now seriously speaking and regarding what I have studied these 4 years in relation to art , I would like to do classes , hopefully to children , I think it is necessary to educate from young artistic experience also that a source of safer work within the artistic field , however , I do not know if I have the patience and knowledge enough haha I hope so , I would like to work or do an internship in a museum, I hope to be a guide, I would be fascinated to talk about the works of art, the artists or also to be able to organize workshops, instances where people can approach the art, and not necessarily in an enclosed area, hopefully to occupy the parks, squares, etc. In short, whatever I have to work on I hope to enjoy it and give the best of me. Pd: when I was little I always d...